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Full Ingredient list-Detox Drink

Ingredients Type Where Is It From? Benefits
Apple Peel Natural Fruit Derived Antioxidant, High Fiber, Blood sugar control, Vitamin A, C & E
Coriander Seed  Natural Spice Derived Immune-boosting antioxidants,  Promote digestion and gut health, Better skin Health
Ginger Natural Root Derived Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, Better digestion, Reduces anxiety
Saffron Natural Flower Derived Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant, PMS reliever, Enhance Immunity, Glowing skin
Fennel Natural Herb Derived Antiseptic, Reduces Cellulite, Internal cleanse, Treat Acne and Pimples, Delay Signs of Aging
Amla Natural Fruit Derived Delays Ageing, Rich in Vitamin C, potent antioxidant, Improve digestive processes, Supports healthy blood Glucose
Harad Natural Herbs Derived Antioxidant, Anti-bacterial
Rose Leaf Natural Herbs Derived Vitamins E and C, Anti-inflammatory, Blood purifier
Manjistha Natural Herbs Derived Anti-inflammatory, Blood purification, Prevents liver infections, Prevents bloating, Indigestion and Anti-diabetic
Moringa Leaf Natural Herbs Derived Protein rich, Vitamin B6, Vitamin C, Rich in Amino Acids, Protects the Liver, Fight Inflammation
Raw Turmeric Natural root Derived Anti-inflammatory, Aids digestion, ​Controls blood sugar, Improve skin health